Topic: GPBC Indy Happy Hour
Time: 6:30 PM Wednesday
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Meeting ID: 518 739 600
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Meeting ID: 518 739 600
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We have leased office and meeting space for our use at 2920 Shelby Street. We will still use
our old phone number, but we do have a new mailing address as follows:
Garfield Park Baptist Church
P.O. Box 33009
Indianapolis, IN 46203
For the near future we will continue to meet for worship on Sundays at 9:30am on Zoom and in the Conference Room of the "old" building. We plan to keep worshiping in that space until we find a larger one.
Welcome to Garfield Park Baptist Church! Thank you for visiting our website! We are an urban church that welcomes all! Come check us out; bring your questions, doubts, certainties and open hearts and minds! We’ll talk and ponder together!
Wondering what to expect when you visit our church?
When you worship at Garfield Park Baptist, you’ll find a vibrant group of people diverse in education and income levels, theological perspectives, and age -yet united by God’s love! Our worship gatherings at 9:30 a.m. contain both traditional and praise music, prayers, Bible readings, thoughts for personal reflection, and preaching.
We are an American Baptist church, called by God, to create a community that works together to empower people to be the best version of themselves they can be and that God wants them to be. We seek to bring God’s light to the park through compassion, prayer, and living into our God-given purpose.
Please take a moment to browse our website and discover who we are! You will learn about our worship, spiritual growth opportunities, and ministries such as food pantry, community meal, Youth group, choir, game night, and various small group options.
Sunday Worship @ 9:30am
Sunday School @ 10:45am
Sunday Youth Group @ 5:30pm
Wednesday @ 6:30pm
Garfield Park Baptist Church
1061 E. Southern Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Driving directions
We believe
Yet, certain things remain true for us:
About Us
Garfield Park Baptist Church formed in 1913 on Indianapolis' near Southside. Like all churches, we’ve experienced many changes, significant ups and downs.
Rev. Dr. Mark W. Hetrick has been American Baptist pastor for the past 44 years, serving churches in Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Indiana. For the last 21 of those years he has specialized in transitional minister. He finished his seventeenth transitional pastorate at the First Baptist Church of Greencastle on Dec. 31, 2020.
The people here are among the most caring, supportive, and gracious people you will meet. We welcome everyone, knowing we all are on a life journey seeking meaning and purpose.
From 2006-11 Dr. Hetrick served as Director of Advancement for the Baptist Student Foundation campus ministry at Purdue. From 1999-2006, he was Visiting Professor of Homiletics at Moscow Theological Seminary (Baptist) in Moscow, Russia. Dr. Hetrick has written 15 quarters of adult curriculum for the Judson Bible Series (Journeys) adult of the American Baptist Churches USA.
Dr. Hetrick and his wife, Dr. Karen Hetrick have lived in Greenwood for the past twenty-nine years. Karen is the Minister of Worship and Worship Arts for Mt. Auburn United Methodist Church in Greenwood. Their son, Dr. Kyle Hetrick, Ph.D. in Microbiology from Indiana University, is Associate Professor of Life Sciences at Ivy Tech in Bloomington, Indiana.